Aided Language Stimulation — A Demonstration of Family Support for their Sibling with Complex Communication…

 See how a supportive family can help their sibling with Complex Communication Needs attain AAC success through Aided Language Stimulation here.

Aided Language Stimulation is a communication strategy used in the field of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC).

For Aided Language Stimulation to be effectively employed, the verbal communication partner models language by combining his/her own verbal input with a selection of vocabulary on the user’s AAC. Oftentimes, we overlook the struggles we add on to our communication partners with Complex Communication Needs on top of their pre-existing challenges. So when we use the same medium through which they communicate (e.g. in this case, a low-tech communication board with core and fringe vocabulary), we are in a better position to help encourage them to use their only means of communication more effectively.

The following video shows Aided Language Stimulation being practised by a young family in an art and craft activity. This video was captured in our very own sunny island of Singapore.

Note: As you can see in the video, there are no age requirements to performing Aided Language Stimulation. Even young children can model language!