Assisting Persons with Disabilities

Sep 26, 2019
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
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Assisting Persons with Disabilities


September 26, 2019    
9:00 am - 6:00 pm


SPD Ability Centre
2 Peng Nguan Street, Singapore, 168955
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Learners of this course will be equipped with practical approaches in providing assistance to persons with disabilities.

Learners will be introduced to the various types of disabilities, principles of communication, and useful techniques in assisting persons with disabilities in and out of wheelchair and in ambulating with a device.


Learning Outcome
1. Describe the different types of disabilities
2. Explain the principles for communicating with persons with disabilities
3. Apply safe transfer techniques in moving persons with disabilities in and out of wheelchair
4. Assist a person with disabilities in ambulating with a device


Who this is for
Target audience includes healthcare assistants, drivers of wheelchair transport vans and training officers in social service organisations.

The skills and knowledge for this course, which the learner is assumed to possess, are as follows:
* Be able to listen and speak English at a proficiency level equivalent to the Employability Skills System Workplace Literacy (WPL) Level 6
* Be able to read and write English at a proficiency level equivalent to the Employability Skills System Workplace Literacy (WPL) Level 6
* Be able to use numeracy skills equivalent to the Employability Skills System Workplace Numeracy (WPN) Level 6


(1) Ms Ong Yu Yuan
Yu Yuan is an Occupational Therapist from SPD (formerly known as Society for the Physically Disabled). She graduated from Queen Margaret University with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy. Yu Yuan has a special interest in working with the adult and geriatric population and has five years of working experience in various setting such as day rehabilitation centres and nursing homes. She started working with clients in the field of assistive technology in 2015, specifically in assessment, prescription and fitting of wheelchair seating and powered mobility aids for persons with neurological and musculoskeletal dysfunctions. She has also completed the Senior Eye Rehabilitation (SEER) pilot programme in 2018 where she provided home rehabilitation for seniors with low vision. She has experiences conducting workshops to healthcare professionals on powered mobility devices use; training on how to assist someone with mobility problems as well as provided talks on disability awareness and wheelchair handling skills for SPD staff and wheelchair transport drivers.

(2) Ms Nadiah Binte Muhamed Amin
Since Nadiah’s graduation from Nanyang Polytechnic in 2014, she has been working as a clinician in the long-term, community sector in SPD. She works closely with adults and elderly clients in the Day Rehabilitation setting who are mostly referred for neurologic and orthopaedic conditions to help maximise their functional recovery. She has also supported other organisations, like nursing homes and community hospitals under the SPD Therapy Hub project. Nadiah believes that her role as a therapist is to facilitate individuals to better manage their day-to-day activities in hopes of improving their quality of life. Apart from providing physiotherapy interventions and prescribing assistive aids, she conducts training to their respective caregivers as many clients with disabilities may still require additional assistance in performing some of their daily tasks.

(3) Mr Teng Cher Wei, Winson
Winson graduated with a Diploma in Physiotherapy from Nanyang Polytechnic in 2014. He also completed his degree in Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy in 2017. He has been a physiotherapist for over 3 years with SPD. Winson has attended to patients with varying conditions but primarily neurology, orthopedic and geriatric related. He was involved in a training programme for a group of drivers in 2018 where he shared knowledge and skills in the area of assisting people with needs, different types of medical conditions and other areas that relates to their daily responsibility in taking care of their patients.


Click here to register for the course.


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